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Teho Ropeyarn

Ulada Ikya Ami (Listening to Beforetime Stories)

24 June — 19 August 2017

KickArts | Gallery 1

Teho Ropeyarn But you don’t look Aboriginal 2017 vinylcut print on 300gsm hahnemühle paper installation of 5 - each 125x80cm (paper size) edition of 5 Printer: Teho Ropeyarn

Ulada means Beforetime and depicts the dreamtime stories of the Northern Cape York Peninsula. Myths and legends surrounding the creation of the land and sea are portrayed through both traditional and contemporary accounts of the Gudang, Angkamuthi, Yadhaykana and Atambaya nations. The ancestral rock art of the Gudang nation is showcased providing insight into the historic sightings of ships, animals, people, canoes and the Bula Bula spirit of the region. I thank the Gudang nation, the ancestral owners of the Somerset rock art, for entrusting me with this sacred cultural knowledge.”

Ulada Ikya Ami (Listening to Beforetime Stories) presents an overview of Injinoo culture and history from Northern Cape York Peninsula. Large-scale print works reveal narratives from dreamtime, to colonisation, and into the current era. The cultural knowledge of the Gudang, Angkamuthi, Yadhaykana and Atambaya nations of Northern Cape York Peninsula, and their interconnectedness as Injinoo people, is showcased through the works that highlight the internal and external impacts of culture through myths, legends, historic rock art, and spirituality.



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