
25 January, 2024

Artlink: Yarning with Cairns First Nations Curators’ Collective

The latest issue of Artlink 43:3 features a conversation between three Cairns First Nations Curators; Aven Noah Jnr., Peggy Lane and Teho Ropeyarn. Facilitated by Hamish Sawyer the conversation delves into the curator’s insights and experiences.

Peggy Kasabad Lane is a proud Saibai Koedal Clan woman from the Guda Maluylgal Nation in Zenadth Kes (Torres Strait), and is the First Nations Curator at Cairns Regional Council. Aven Noah Jnr. is a proud Komet Tribesman from Mer (Murray Island), and is the Curator at NorthSite Contemporary Arts, Cairns. Teho Ropeyarn is an artist and curator of the Angkamuthi and Yadhaykana clans from Injinoo, Cape York Peninsula, Badu, Moa and Murray Island. He is the Curatorial Associate at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair. Hamish Sawyer is a curator, writer and is the Artistic Director of NorthSite Contemporary Arts, Cairns.*

Read the full conversation between Aven Noah Jnr., Peggy Lane and Teho Ropeyarn with NorthSite Artistic Director Hamish Sawyer in ArtLink issue 43:3.


*Source Artlink website: Click Here