A selection from the exhibition, presented for CIAF 2022.
Twelve contemporary Lardil and Kaidildt artists have worked together to produce a suite of refined collaborative paintings, jointly selecting the eight institutional artworks to exhibited at NorthSite Contemporary Arts as a feature exhibition of CIAF 2021.
This exhibition is dedicated to honouring and celebrating the continuing legacy and impact of the late great abstract painter Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori who in her 80s, inspired the current group of exhibiting Kaiadilt artists Amy Loogatha, Elsie Gabori, Dolly Loogatha, Betty Williams, Agnes Kohler, Ethel Thomas, Amanda Gabori and Dorothy Gabori towards their successful artistic careers; depicting the skies, rocks, birthplaces and Country of Bentinck Island through vibrant acrylic paintings. In dialogue with Lardil contemporary artists Joelene Roughsey, Roxanne Thomas, Renee Wilson and John Williams who through these collaborative works continue to paint Lardil Dreaming and pay homage to the late Lardil artist Goobalathaldin Dick Roughsey and his rich artistic legacy.
This exhibition is coordinated by Bereline Loogatha, Assistant Manager at Mornington Island Art Centre and Art Centre Manager John Armstrong in collaboration with NorthSite staff.